Donate Your Miles


Be a part of a million mile march to end mountaintop removal.

Dedicate your next hike, walk, or run to ending mountaintop removal. It can be on the treadmill or the trail…a short hike with some friends or a long backpacking trip…a jog around the block or an ultra marathon. Our goal is to raise one million miles from hikers, runners, and walkers who love mountains and want to protect them from mountaintop removal mining.

Hike, run, or walk as many miles as you want, as often as you want. Submit your mileage every day or every month by emailing or leaving a comment below. We’ll update the site regularly with a collective tally.

Every mile brings us closer to our goal of one million miles to end mountaintop removal.

51 Responses

  1. Awesome. I can’t wait to donate my miles. This is a great cause.

  2. […] So to all you runners out there, you heard the man…. lace up and start telling the world about mountaintop removal coal mining. […]

  3. […] So to all you runners out there, you heard the man…. lace up and start telling the world about mountaintop removal coal mining. […]

  4. Good job Will…keep up the great work. I’ll start donating my miles today.

  5. Donated Miles:

    June 30th: 3.1 miles ran

  6. Donated Miles:

    July 1st: 4 miles ran

  7. July 3rd: 3.1 miles ran

  8. July 7th: 3.5 miles ran

  9. July 8th: 2 miles ran

  10. July 9th: 4 miles ran

  11. Shannon and I hiked around Glacier National Park for several days last week; cumulative total appoximately 70 miles.

  12. July 10th-28th: 30.6 miles ran

  13. July 29-30: 6 miles ran

  14. July 30-Aug 2: 14.2 miles ran

  15. Aug 4: 5.1 miles ran

  16. Aug 5: 3.1 miles ran

  17. Aug 6th: 4.5 miles ran

  18. Aug 8-9th: 12 miles ran

  19. August 10-11: 7.5 miles ran

  20. August 12-14: 9 miles ran

  21. Aug 15-18: 18 miles ran

  22. August 19-20: 8 miles ran

  23. Aug 21-22: 12 miles ran

  24. August 25: 5 miles ran

  25. August 26: 3 miles ran

  26. August 28: 5 miles ran

  27. Aug 29: 3.1 miles ran

  28. Aug. 30: 11 miles ran

  29. August 2nd: 5 miles ran

  30. August 3rd: 5 miles ran

  31. Sep 6-8: 10 miles ran

  32. Sept. 9-10: 6 miles ran

  33. Sept.13: 13.1 miles ran

  34. Sept. 14-20: 12.2 miles ran

  35. Sept. 21: 5 miles ran

  36. Sept. 23: 5 miles ran

  37. Me and my dog walk almost every day in the Maryville College woods in Maryville, TN. I will start with this donation of 3.5 miles. Thank you.

  38. Miles for Sept. 24-Oct.8 : 26 miles ran

  39. Oct 9.-Oct. 12: 13 miles ran

  40. Oct. 13-14: 8 miles ran

  41. Last week I logged 22 miles. Thank you.

  42. Oct. 15-20: 16 miles ran

  43. Oct. 21-25: 13.6 miles ran

  44. Oct. 26-Nov. 9th: 38.2 miles ran

  45. Nov. 10- Nov. 23: 30 miles ran

  46. Nov. 24- Dec. 10: 48.5 miles ran

  47. Dec. 11- Dec. 28: 46.3 miles ran

  48. Dec. 29: 5 miles ran

  49. 12/30-1/13: 32 miles ran

  50. Jan. 14-Jan17: 20 miles ran

  51. Jan.18-Feb.28: 141.1 miles ran

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